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6 most commonly expressed concerns when considering a Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)


The nose is a central feature on your face. Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that improves the overall facial appearance by changing the size and shape of the nose.

Rhinoplasty can be done for both aesthetic and functional reasons. The overall appearance and function of the nose can be improved using a variety of techniques.

In this blog, we discuss the 6 most frequently expressed concerns that Nose Reshaping surgery can help address:

1) Make a nose less crooked

A nose can appear crooked due to an injury, or facial trauma, or hereditary factors. A rhinoplasty can bring the nose into alignment. This will require precise surgical breaking of the nose in the operating room. For patient comfort, this is done under General Anesthetic.

2) Make a nose less pointy

A pointy nose is often the result of overly projecting nasal septal cartilage, or excess cartilage at the tip of the nose. A rhinoplasty can not only reduce the size of the nose but soften the angles of the nasal tip, providing a softer appearing tip.  

3) Make a nose shorter or smaller

A large or long nose can detract from your facial balance and draw unwanted attention. A rhinoplasty can help you improve facial symmetry by reducing the projection of the nose. Occasionally, a chin implant (or Genioplasty) can improve balance in facial profile. Using advanced nose-shaping techniques, excess cartilage can be trimmed, and remaining cartilage refined.  

4) Remove a prominent hump or nose-bridge bump

Nasal humps can vary in size and detract from the rest of your face. A rhinoplasty can reduce the bridge of your nose to make it sleeker and straighter.   Alternatively, if the nasal dorsum is absent or reduced, a cartilage graft or implant can improve the nasal bridge.

5) Reduce the appearance of a bulbous nose tip

A bulbous nasal tip can be the result of aging, genetics or a prior rhinoplasty gone wrong. Rhinoplasty can correct a bulbous nasal tip by reshaping the lower lateral cartilages giving a softer triangular appearance. 

6) Make the nose narrower or less flat

A nose that is broad (wide) across the bridge can be corrected by narrowing the width of the nasal bones, adjusting the tip of the nose as well as refining the base of the nose. A broad or flat bridge is especially common in many Asian, African and Hispanic ethnicities.
A rhinoplasty may involve the use of nasal implants to optimize the shape of the nose.

People may also get Rhinoplasty to address:
– Nostrils that are large, wide or asymmetric
– Improve the appearance of a drooping nasal tip
– Correct a deviated septum
– Correct dysfunctional nasal breathing

If you are self-conscious about the way your nose looks, Book a Consultation with Dr. Arko Demianczuk, Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Vancouver to discuss how personalized Rhinoplasty surgery can have a big impact on your facial balance and harmony. He designs bespoke surgical plans that take into account the unique needs and goals of every patient and strives to create natural-looking results. Begin your journey to a more confident and beautiful you.